Drugom polovinom prošlog veka nismo na našim radio programima nismo mogli da slušamo strane hitove i zato je najslušanija radio stanica među mladim bila Radio Luksemburg a među starijima Glas Amerike. Ta čarobna naprava koja se zvala radio aparat, davala je mogućnost da se približimo tim daleki, tajanstvenim svetovima.
A Tribute to Radio Luxembourg-Beneath The Bedsheets
Farewell FAB 208 - Radio Luxembourg - Part 1
Farewell FAB 208 - Radio Luxembourg - Part 2
Farewell FAB 208 - Radio Luxembourg - Part 3
Farewell FAB 208 - Radio Luxembourg - Part 4
Farewell FAB 208 - Radio Luxembourg - Part 5
Radio luxemburg
Radio Luxemburg Trailer
Shaun Tilley : Radio Luxembourg Chart From November 1989
Peter Antony on air at Radio Luxembourg April 1985 featuring Stuart and Ollie Henry
Radio Luxembourg jingles (BOB STEWART START UP)
Radio Luxembourg Reunion
Radio Luxembourg ( RTL 208 ) - Tony Prince.(HQ/Sound)